
“If I get to be me, I belong. If I have to be like you, I fit in” Brene Brown How many times have you walked in to a room, an event, a conference, a meeting and felt out of place? Like you don’t belong? It might depend on whether you know people or not or how you’re feeling about …


There are many traditions and rituals that we have created to honor the seasons.  As Spring arrives and the plants blossom and bloom, we’re often called to our own season of growth, development, and renewal.  As part of earth’s ecosystem, many of us feel inspired to do some type of renewal ritual this time of year, whether it’s spring cleaning …

Vacation’s Over

Wow! That went fast!! You plan, and plan, and plan, and anticipate, and look forward, and count the days until vacation and now, it’s over.  Most of us have a hard time coming back.  How can you make it easier on yourself? Just like you planned for the time off, can you plan your re-entry? What is re-entry? Is that …

Everyday Miracles

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. – Albert Einstein Learning from A Course in Miracles, I have chosen to live my life as if everything is a miracle.  Seeing everything as miracle is accomplished by removing any obstacle to the …

Is your need to be Right getting in the way of your desire to be Happy?

Have you ever noticed how tempting it is to say, “I told you so”?  I think most of us have.  Now, think about how much you hate hearing, “I told you so”? I’ve come to the conclusion that needing to be right doesn’t feel right.  The need to be right is programmed into the ego, and I, for one, would …