Our clients include business leaders, executives, entrepreneurs and those responsible for change that would like to take their businesses to the next level, enhance their leadership presence and transform in order to maximize adaptability, resilience and competitiveness in the local and global marketplace.
Working with Jackie Lesser, I’ve focused on my Transformational Leadership journey. Jackie has helped me identify areas for growth, take action to improve, and discover the meaning of excellence in myself and in others. Jackie coaches me to have critical conversations that result in me being a better leader of a high performing team.
- Sue McCloskey, Director of Finance & Fulfillment
Penn Fluid System Technologies
As a newer member of the leadership team at my company, Jackie has helped reinforce the training, role play coaching conversations and has been a great coach for me and has helped make me a better leader. I couldn’t imagine where I would be without her help.
- Jeffrey R. Gladheim, Senior Sales Supervisor, Swagelok Northwest
Jackie Lesser has a stellar track record of advising a broad array of leaders and that experience became evident the moment we met. She brings a deep and abiding understanding of what motivates, inspires and transforms the human spirit and can translate that passion into tangible action steps incorporating within her work individualized tailored creative tools that matter.
- Catherine M. Cahill, President & CEO
The Mann Center for the Performing Arts
What results can you expect from coaching?
"From the moment I met Jackie, it was as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Jackie helped me realize that being so hard on myself was holding me back from growing as a leader. She taught me that being grateful for what I am surrounded by would help me recognize when things were going well. And how curiosity can give life to a relationship. Jackie’s coaching about the 21st leader and relatedness are exactly what I - and my entire organization - needed. She provided me with a different way of thinking and offered me a path out of my “supposed” tailspin. She opened my eyes to beginning with the end in mind and how being the change I want to see is the real way to affect change. Jackie’s guidance to be responsible as the meaning-maker and to be present in the moment have helped me to build stronger relationships with my peers and coworkers and have been pivotal in breaking down silos that once exist within our organization.
My goals for the coaching engagement were to 1) validate and identify self-potential, 2) improve the way I relate to people and 3) develop my team. I look forward to the time I get to spend with Jackie each month. Her wisdom and knowledge have helped me navigate through some difficult and opportunistic leadership moments. Jackie’s coaching has allowed me to achieve these goals and so much more. She has helped me realize my potential and has given me the tools to be the change I want to see within our organization and in my own life." -- Tom Furia, III Director of Supply Chain Management
"First, I would say, Asks Provocative Questions. When my most important "ah ha" moments came up -- each as its own little epiphany -- they can startle in their suddenness, but in reality they percolate up from a very deep place. Sometimes it seemed to me that you were like an archaeologist, patiently brushing away layers of beliefs and stories -- and questions were one of your most powerful tools. They were rarely easy to answer, but they were guiding questions -- sometimes even probative questions-- that led me to a better understanding of myself and my issues.
Then, I think, you Challenged the Answers. I remember squirming under your gaze as you said, "That's a story." The whole notion that something you have believed about yourself over many years may not, in fact, be marbleized, and, indeed, might even be possible to change, is still a revelation to me. That function is critical to my work with you -- otherwise my answers might lead me directly back to those core characteristics that I thought cast in stone (risk averse, etc).
Finally, I would say, Provide the Insights that make real change possible. Change is excruciatingly hard and can't be accomplished in 90 minute sessions. They can spark the change but not complete it. Sadly, the rest is practice. So the insights I get from you and from the readings and practices (journaling, changing space to change perspective) you recommend, give me the tools I need to really change self image and behavior. I always come away with something valuable." -- Pat LaPera, President SteegeThomson Communications
Besides being an excellent listener, her wisdom and critical thinking are a powerful combination that were beneficial to me in my daily work and as it turns out, not just in the office, but ultimately beyond the proverbial 9 to 5. She coaches with a cause and through that gift, she is able to harness the creative potential of her client(s) and translate that interaction into a new paradigm - that of right relationship with self, with others and with life.
- Catherine M. Cahill, President & CEO
The Mann Center for the Performing Arts
I hear Jackie in my head all the time, asking, ‘what’s the kindest gentlest thing I can do for myself right now?’
- Stacy Holland, Chief of Strategic Partnerships