One to One Leadership Coaching
The Hero’s Journey: for Pioneering Leaders & Entrepreneurs
Today’s leaders are Pioneers- Step on to your journey with One to One Leadership Coaching. Your personal GPS for navigating ever changing terrain for business in the 21st century, one to one leadership coaching is an interactive, directed process by which a person is able to fully embody and express their greatest potential. Coaching is used in business for leadership, on boarding, professional development, change management, succession planning, transition, career changes.
Group Coaching for Emerging Leaders
Evolutionizing the way Business gets Done
Transformational conversations that help people understand the quality of relationship that has to exist with oneself and with others in order to thrive in life and leadership. We work with emerging leaders to cultivate and embody the competencies that 21st century business requires for agility, rapid change and unprecedented success. Our curriculum develops the competencies to create a vision for what leadership needs to be, then works from your individual strengths to achieve unprecedented success.
On Board Coaching for Leaders
Navigating New Terrain - Guide for Your Journey
On Board Coaching accelerates your path to success. Today’s Leaders are required to navigate in the unchartered territories of the 21st century and there is significant pressure on new leaders to hit the ground running. We provide a 90 day program for equipping new leaders with the framework and strategies that will enable them to accelerate the transition in order to get up to speed quicker and more effectively.
Facilitation & Workshops for Leaders
Changing the Way People Work TogetherRegardless of position or title, Leadership is a characteristic that is required for everyone in a 21st century business. Engaging in relationships with a shared purpose, effective communication and conflict resolution skills are essential for achieving unsurpassed profitability. Contact Us for Facilitation and Workshops in: Masterful Communication; Building a Gold Medal Team; Navigating in Uncertainty; Creating Impact Leadership TM; Collaborative Culture; and CEO TM for All Levels of Leadership.
Coaching works by challenging people to focus their energy, attention and actions on achieving results, while providing a supportive environment that encourages them to embrace change, stay flexible and develop resilience. The result is a shift in attitude, productivity and profitability that allows individuals and businesses to not only meet their objectives, but to expand beyond their previously perceived limits.
The Creating Impact 4-step process TM

We pair our 4-step process with Jackie Lesser’s, The wHolyShift a transformative process for personal development that applies truth, universal wisdom & inner guidance to everyday life. The wHolyShift will be your personal GPS to support you in navigating calmly, peacefully & joyfully through the uncertain and unknowable in your life.
The entire process enables you to be wholly available to be creative and resourceful regardless of your circumstances. The tools and methods we use at Creating Impact will help you thrive rather than merely survive.